Support Node Authentication
Currently, the only way to authenticate the TestCafé test is to use the MSAL authentication. In other words, fill out the Microsoft authentication page with user credentials.
It works, but use another method is preferable to have an alternative if the authentication is too complicated (2FA, Key, Intune, etc.)
- See TestCafé RequestHook to get a bearer:
- An example of Cypress with localStorage:
- Code sample:
Cypress.Commands.add("visitWithAdal", (pageUrl) => {
const config = {
username: process.env.CI ? Cypress.env('USERNAME') : Cypress.env('username'),
password: process.env.CI ? Cypress.env('PASSWORD') : Cypress.env('password'),
tenant: process.env.CI ? Cypress.env('TENANT') : Cypress.env('tenant'),
clientId: process.env.CI ? Cypress.env('CLIENTID') : Cypress.env('clientid'),
clientSecret: process.env.CI ? Cypress.env('CLIENTSECRET') : Cypress.env('clientsecret'),
resource: process.env.CI ? Cypress.env('RESOURCE') : Cypress.env('resource')
// Fetch the access token for the Microsoft Graph
method: 'POST',
url: `${config.tenant}/oauth2/token`,
header: {
'cache-control': 'no-cache',
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
form: true,
body: {
grant_type: 'password',
client_id: config.clientId,
client_secret: config.clientSecret,
resource: config.resource,
password: config.password,
username: config.username
}).then(response => {
if (response && response.status === 200 && response.body) {
const accessToken = response.body["access_token"];
const expires = response.body["expires_on"];
// Store the retrieved access token in the session storage
cy.window().then((crntWindow) => {
crntWindow.sessionStorage.setItem(`adal.token.keys`, `${config.resource}|`);
crntWindow.sessionStorage.setItem(`adal.expiration.key${config.resource}`, expires);
crntWindow.sessionStorage.setItem(`adal.access.token.key${config.resource}`, accessToken);